
mixcr buildLibrary

Build custom V/D/J/C gene segment library. See how to create custom library.

Command line options

mixcr buildLibrary 
    --species <species_name>
    --chain <chain>
    [--taxon-id <taxon_id>]
    (--v-genes-from-species <species> | [--v-genes-from-fasta <v.fasta> --v-gene-feature <gene_feature>])
    (--j-genes-from-species <species> | [--j-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta> [--j-gene-feature <gene_feature>]])
    [--d-genes-from-species <species> | [--d-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta> [--d-gene-feature <gene_feature>]]]
    [--c-genes-from-species <species> | [--c-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta> [--c-gene-feature <gene_feature>]]]
--species <species_name>
Species name
--chain <chain>
Immunological chain
--v-genes-from-fasta <v.fasta>
FASTA file with Variable genes
--v-gene-feature <gene_feature>
Gene feature corresponding to Variable gene sequences in FASTA (e.g. VRegion or VGene)
--v-genes-from-species <species>
Species to take Variable genes from it (human, mmu, lamaGlama, alpaca, rat, spalax)
--j-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta>
FASTA file with Joining genes
--j-gene-feature <gene_feature>
Gene feature corresponding to Joining gene sequences in FASTA (JRegion by default)
--j-genes-from-species <species>
Species to take Joining genes from it (human, mmu, lamaGlama, alpaca, rat, spalax)
--d-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta>
FASTA file with Diversity genes
--d-gene-feature <gene_feature>
Gene feature corresponding to Diversity gene sequences in FASTA (DRegion by default)
--d-genes-from-species <species>
Species to take Diversity genes from it (human, mmu, lamaGlama, alpaca, rat, spalax)
--c-genes-from-fasta <j.fasta>
FASTA file with Constant genes
--c-gene-feature <gene_feature>
Gene feature corresponding to Constant gene sequences in FASTA (CExon1 by default)
--c-genes-from-species <species>
Species to take Constant genes from it (human, mmu, lamaGlama, alpaca, rat, spalax)
--taxon-id <taxon_id>
Taxon ID
Do not infer reference points
Keep intermediate files
Print library debugging information
-f, --force-overwrite
Force overwrite of output file(s).
Output library.