
mixcr downsample

Downsample clonesets.

There are three types of downsampling each of which may be applied on a one of three tag levels: read, umi or cell:


normalizes datasets to the same tag number (either reads, UMIs or cells). The exact downsampling value may be either

  • computed automatically (auto)
  • chosen as a value in the smallest sample (min)
  • specified explicitly (fixed)

For automatic downsampling MiXCR calculates 20-th quantile across all clonesets Q20, and takes the minimal sample which is above 0.5*Q20.

For memory efficiency, MiXCR uses random multivariate hypergeometric marginals algorithm for downsampling to the same number of reads.

For downsampling to the same number of UMIs or cells, MiXCR uses random uniform sampling of the whole tag list.


normalizes datasets to the same number of clonotypes. It takes top <number> of clonotypes by corresponding tag (i.e. top by number of reads, or by number of UMIs or by number of cells)


normalizes datasets to the same cloneset abundance. It takes top clonotypes by corresponding tag (i.e. top by number of reads, or by number of UMIs or by number of cells) so that the top contains the specified <percent> of the cloneset abundance (again computed by corresponding tag)

Command line options

mixcr downsample 
    --chains <chains>
    --downsampling <type> 
    [--summary <path>] 
    [--suffix <s>] 
    [--out <path_prefix>] 

The command returns a highly-compressed, memory- and CPU-efficient binary .clns (clones) or .clna (clones & alignments) file that holds exhaustive information about clonotypes. Clonotype tables can be further extracted in tabular form using exportClones or in human-readable form using exportClonesPretty.

Basic command line options are:

Paths to input files.
-c, --chains <chains>
Specify chains
--downsampling <type>
Choose downsampling applied to normalize the clonesets. Possible values: count-[reads|TAG]-[auto|min|fixed][-<number>], top-[reads|TAG]-[<number>], cumtop-[reads|TAG]-[percent]
Filter out-of-frame sequences and sequences with stop-codons.
--summary <path>
Write downsampling summary tsv/csv table.
--suffix <s>
Suffix to add to output clns file. Default: downsampled
--out <path_prefix>
Output path prefix.
-f, --force-overwrite
Force overwrite of output file(s).
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.