
mixcr exportPlots

A set of routines for graphical export of postanalysis results. MiXCR supports graphical export in PDF, SVG, EPS, PNG and JPEG formats.

Diversity and CDR3 metrics

mixcr exportPlots (diversity|cdr3metrics) 
    [--metadata <path>] 
    [--filter <meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>[,<meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>...]]... 
    [--chains <chain>]... 
    [--metric <metric>[,<metric>...]]... 
    [--plot-type <plotType>] 
    [--primary-group <meta>] 
    [--primary-group-values <value>[,<value>...]]... 
    [--secondary-group <meta>] 
    [--secondary-group-values <value>[,<value>...]]... 
    [--facet-by <meta>] 
    [--ref-group <refGroup>] 
    [--method <method>] 
    [--method-multiple-groups <method>] 
    [--p-adjust-method <method>] 
    [--width <n>] 
    [--height <n>] 
    pa.json[.gz] output.(pdf|eps|svg|png|jpeg)
Exports diversity or CDR3 metrics visualization plots from the individual postanalysis results. When exporting in PDF format the resulting file will contain multiple pages: one page per metric. For exaporint in other formats one need to specify --metrics <metric> option to export one particular metric.

Basic command line options are:

Input file with postanalysis results.
Output PDF/EPS/PNG/JPEG file name.
--metadata <path>
Metadata file in a tab- (.tsv) or comma- (.csv) separated form. Must contain sample column which matches names of input files.
--filter <filter>[,<filter>...]
Filter samples to put on a plot by their metadata values. Filter allows equality (species=cat) or arithmetic comparison (age>=10) etc.
--chains <chain>
Export only for specified immunological chains.
--metric <metric>[,<metric>...]

Output only specified list of metrics:

  • for cdr3metrics possible values are: cdr3lenAA, cdr3lenNT, ndnLenNT, addedNNT, strength, hydrophobicity, surface, volume, charge

  • for diversity possible values are: observed, shannonWiener, chao1, normalizedShannonWienerIndex, inverseSimpsonIndex, giniIndex, d50, efronThisted

--plot-type <plotType>
Plot type. Possible values: boxplot, boxplot-bindot, boxplot-jitter, violin, violin-bindot, barplot, barplot-stacked, lineplot, lineplot-jitter, lineplot-bindot, scatter
-p, --primary-group <meta>
Specify metadata column used to group datasets.
-pv, --primary-group-values <value>[,<value>...]
List of comma separated primary group values.
-s, --secondary-group <meta>
Secondary group.
-sv, --secondary-group-values <value>[,<value>...]
List of comma separated secondary group values.
--facet-by <meta>
Facet by.
Hide overall p-value.
Show pairwise p-value comparisons.
--ref-group <refGroup>
Reference group for compare means statistics. Can be 'all' or some specific value.
Hide non-significant observations.
Do paired analysis
--method <method>
Statistical test method. Available methods: Wilcoxon (default), ANOVA, TTest, KruskalWallis, KolmogorovSmirnov
--method-multiple-groups <method>
Test method for multiple groups comparison. Available methods: KruskalWallis (default), Wilcoxon, ANOVA, TTest, KolmogorovSmirnov
--p-adjust-method <method>
Method used to adjust p-values. Available methods: Available methods: Holm (default), BenjaminiHochberg, BenjaminiYekutieli, Bonferroni, Hochberg, Hommel, none
Show significance levels instead of p-values ( ns for p-value >= 0.05, *** for p-value < 0.0001, ** for p-value < 0.001, * in other case).
--width <n>
Plot width.
--height <n>
Plot height.
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.


Use primary grouping and facets:

> mixcr exportPlots diversity -f \
    --plot-type lineplot-bindot \
    --primary-group Time \
    --primary-group-values T0,M1,M2 \
    --facet-by Marker \
    pa/i.json.gz \

Use secondary grouping:

> mixcr exportPlots diversity -f \
    --primary-group Marker \
    --secondary-group Time \
    --secondary-group-values T0,M1,M2 \
    pa/i.json.gz \

[TODO more examples]

Gene segment usage

mixcr exportPlots (vUsage|jUsage|isotypeUsage|vjUsage) [-f]
    [--metadata <path>] 
    [--filter <meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>[,<meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>...]]... 
    [--chains <chain>]... 
    [--color-key <key>]... 
    [--facet-by <s>]
    [--palette <s>] 
    [--h-labels-size <d>] 
    [--v-labels-size <d>]   
    [--width <n>] 
    [--height <n>] 
    pa.json[.gz] output.(pdf|eps|svg|png|jpeg)
Exports gene segment usage heatmap plots from the individual postanalysis results.

Input file with postanalysis results.
Output PDF/EPS/PNG/JPEG file name.
--metadata <path>
Metadata file in a tab- (.tsv) or comma- (.csv) separated form. Must contain sample column which matches names of input files.
--filter <meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>[,<meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>...]
Filter samples to put on a plot by their metadata values. Filter allows equality (species=cat) or arithmetic comparison (age>=10) etc.
--chains <chain>
Export only for specified immunological chains.
Show gene family usage instead.
Don't add samples dendrogram on heatmap.
export bar plot instead of heatmap (groups samples by genes)
export bar plot instead of heatmap (groups genes by sample)
show gene family usage instead
Don't add genes dendrogram on heatmap.
--color-key <key>
Add color key layer to heatmap.
Export bar plot instead of heatmap.
--facet-by <s>
Facet bar-plot.
--palette <s>
Color palette for heatmap. Available names: diverging, viridis2magma, lime2rose, blue2red, teal2red, softSpectral, sequential, viridis, magma, sunset, rainbow, salinity, density. Default: density
--h-labels-size <d>
Width of horizontal labels. One unit corresponds to the width of one tile.
--v-labels-size <d>
Height of vertical labels. One unit corresponds to the height of one tile.
--width <n>
Plot width.
--height <n>
Plot height.
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.


Export Variable gene segment usage plot and add color key:

mixcr exportPlots vUsage -f \
    --color-key Patient \
    pa/i.json.gz \

Export Joining gene segment usage plot and specify another palette:

mixcr exportPlots jUsage -f \
    --palette magma \
    --color-key Marker \
    pa/i.json.gz \


Export Variable gene segment families usage plot as a bar-plot by samples :

mixcr exportPlots vUsage -f \ 
  --bar-plot-by-sample \
  --family-usage \
  pa/individual.json.gz \


Export Variable gene segment families usage plot as a bar-plot by genes :

mixcr exportPlots vUsage -f \ 
  --bar-plot \
  --family-usage \
  pa/individual.json.gz \



mixcr exportPlots overlap 
    [--metadata <path>] 
    [--filter <meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>[,<meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>...]]... 
    [--chains <chain>]... 
    [--color-key <meta>]... 
    [--metric <metric>]... 
    [--palette <s>] 
    [--h-labels-size <d>] 
    [--v-labels-size <d>] 
    [--width <n>] 
    [--height <n>] 
    pa.json[.gz] output.(pdf|eps|svg|png|jpeg)
Exports pairwise distance metrics heatmap plots from the overlap postanalysis results.

Input file with postanalysis results.
Output PDF/EPS/PNG/JPEG file name.
--metadata <path>
Metadata file in a tab- (.tsv) or comma- (.csv) separated form. Must contain sample column which matches names of input files.
--filter <meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>[,<meta(|>|>=|=|<=|<)value>...]
Filter samples to put on a plot by their metadata values. Filter allows equality (species=cat) or arithmetic comparison (age>=10) etc.
--chains <chain>
Export only for specified immunological chains.
Don't add dendrograms
--color-key <meta>
Add color key layer to the heatmap. One may write --color-key x_meta to draw color key horizontally (default) or --color-key y_meta to draw vertically.
Fill diagonal line
--metric <metric>
Select specific metrics to export. Possible values are: SharedClonotypes, RelativeDiversity, F1Index, F2Index, JaccardIndex, Pearson, PearsonAll
--palette <s>
Color palette for heatmap. Available names: diverging, viridis2magma, lime2rose, blue2red, teal2red, softSpectral, sequential, viridis, magma, sunset, rainbow, salinity, density. Default: density
--h-labels-size <d>
Width of horizontal labels. One unit corresponds to the width of one tile.
--v-labels-size <d>
Height of vertical labels. One unit corresponds to the height of one tile.
--width <n>
Plot width.
--height <n>
Plot height.
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.


Export overlap with color key:

> mixcr exportPlots overlap \
    --metric pearsonAll \
    --color-key Patient \
    pa/o.json.gz \

SHM trees

mixcr exportPlots shmTrees 
    [--metadata <path.(tsv|csv)>] 
    [--node-color <meta>] 
    [--line-color <meta>] 
    [--node-size <meta>] 
    [--node-label <meta>] 
    [--alignment-nt <gene_feature>] 
    [--alignment-aa <gene_feature>] 
    [--filter-min-nodes <n>] 
    [--filter-min-height <n>] 
    [--ids <id>[,<id>...]]... 
    [--chains <chains>]
    [[--filter-in-feature <gene_feature>] [--pattern-max-errors <n>] (--filter-aa-pattern <pattern> | --filter-nt-pattern <pattern>)] 
    trees.shmt plots.pdf 
Visualize SHM tree and save in PDF format

Input file produced by 'findShmTrees' command.
Path where to write PDF file with plots.
-m, --metadata <path.(tsv|csv)>
Path to metadata file Metadata should be a .tsv or .csv file with a column named 'sample' with filenames of .clns files used in findShmTrees
--node-color <meta>
Color nodes with given metadata column
--line-color <meta>
Color lines with given metadata column
--node-size <meta>
Size nodes with given metadata column. Predefined columns: "Abundance". Default: Abundance
--node-label <meta>
Label nodes with given metadata column. Predefined columns: "Isotype"
--alignment-nt <gene_feature>
Show tree nucleotide alignments using specified gene feature
--alignment-aa <gene_feature>
Show tree amino acid alignments using specified gene feature
Do not highlight alignments with color
--filter-min-nodes <n>
Minimal number of nodes in tree
--filter-min-height <n>
Minimal height of the tree
--ids <id>[,<id>...]
Filter specific trees by id
--chains <chains>
Export only trees that contains clones with specific chain (e.g. TRA or IGH).
-f, --force-overwrite
Force overwrite of output file(s).
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.

Filter by pattern options:

--filter-in-feature <gene_feature>
Match pattern inside specified gene feature. Default: CDR3
--pattern-max-errors <n>
Max allowed subs & indels. Default: 0
--filter-aa-pattern <pattern>
Filter specific trees by aa pattern.
--filter-nt-pattern <pattern>
Filter specific trees by nt pattern.