
mixcr exportReportsTable

Export all reports from any MiXCR binary file (.vdjca, .clns, .clna and .shmt) in tabular form.

mixcr exportReportsTable 
    [--preset <preset>] 
    [--preset-file <presetFile>] 
    (data.(vdjca|clns|clna|shmt)|directory)... [report.tsv]

Command line options:

Path to input files or directories. In case of directory no filter by file type will be applied.
Path where to write reports. Print in stdout if omitted.
Export upstream reports for sources of steps with several inputs, like findShmTrees.
-p, --preset <preset>
Specify preset of export fields. Possible values: min, full. By default full
-pf, --preset-file <presetFile>
Specify preset file of export fields
Don't print first header line, print only data
-f, --force-overwrite
Force overwrite of output file(s).
-nw, --no-warnings
Suppress all warning messages.
Verbose messages.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.

Export fields

File name as it was specified in command exportReportsTable.
Version of MiXCR.
Input files on align command.
Count of reads in original data.
Percentage of reads that match pattern.
Percentage of overlapped reads.
Percentage of overlapped and aligned reads.
Percentage of reads that not aligned because of different reasons (columns for each reason).
Percentage of aligned reads.
Percentage of reads aligned on specific chain. Will be exported all found chains.
Input files on assemble command.
Reads pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists, percent of used.
Reads dropped due to the lack of a clone sequence, percent of total.
Reads dropped due to a too short clonal sequence, percent of total.
Reads dropped due to low quality, percent of total.
Reads dropped due to failed mapping, percent of total
Input files on assembleContigs command.
Total clonotypes after assembleContigs command if it was run, assemble otherwise.
Reads used in clonotypes after assembleContigs command if it was run, assemble otherwise.
Percentage of clones aligned on specific chain (assemble command). Will be exported all found chains.
Count of found alleles.
Count of found trees.
Count of uniq clones that was included in trees.