
Gene features and anchor points

There are several immunologically important parts of TCR/BCR gene (gene features). For example, such regions are three complementarity determining regions (CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3), four framework regions (FR1, FR2, FR3 and FR4) etc.

The key feature of MiXCR is the possibility to specify:

For convenience, in MiXCR these regions can be specified in terms of above-mentioned immunological gene features. The illustrated list of predefined gene features can be found below. The set of possible gene regions is not limited by this list:

  • boundary points of gene features (called anchor points) can be used to specify begin and end of custom gene regions
  • gene features can be concatenated (e.g. VTranscript = {V5UTRBegin:L1End}+{L2Begin:VEnd}).
  • offsets can be added or subtracted from original positions of anchor points to define even more custom gene regions (for more detailed description see gene feature syntax)
  • clones can be assembled by a list of disjointed features (e.g. [{FR1Begin:CDR1End},{FR3Begin:FR4End}]).

Naming of gene features is based on IMGT convention described in Lefranc et al. (2003), Developmental & Comparative Immunology 27.1 (2003): 55-77.

Germline features

Features defined for germline genes are mainly used in align and export.

V Gene structure

Additionally, to core gene features in V region (like FR3) we introduce VGene, VTranscript and VRegion for convenience.

D Gene structure

J Gene structure

Mature TCR/BCR gene features

Features described here (like CDR3) cannot not be used for align, since they are not defined for germline genes.

V(D)J junction structure

Important difference between rearranged TCR/BCR sequence and germline sequence of its segments lies in the fact that during V(D)J recombination exact cleavage positions at the end of V gene, begin and end of D gene and begin of J gene varies. As a result in most cases actual VEnd, DBegin, DEnd and JBegin anchor positions are not covered by alignment:

In order to use actual V, D, J gene boundaries we introduce four additional anchor positions: VEndTrimmed, DBeginTrimmed, DEndTrimmed and JBeginTrimmed and several named gene features: VDJunction, DJJunction and VJJunction. On the following picture one can see the structure of V(D)J junction:

If D gene is not found in the sequence or is not present in target locus (e.g. TRA), DBeginTrimmed and DEndTrimmed anchor points as well as VDJunction and DJJunction gene features are not defined.

Similar to ...Trimmed anchor points in V(D)J junction there is a V5UTRBeginTrimmed anchor point representing left bound of alignment upstream start codon. This point is required because 5'UTR could have different length from transcript to transcript, and because library of gene segments inside MiXCR does not have information on exact 5'UTR lengths.

Gene feature syntax

Syntax for gene features is the same everywhere. The best way to explain it is by example:

  • to enter any gene feature listed in the next section just use its name: VTranscript, CDR2, V5UTR etc.
  • to define a gene feature consisting of several concatenated features use +: V5UTR+L1+L2+VRegion is equivalent to VTranscript
  • to create gene feature starting at anchor point X and ending at anchor point Y use {X:Y} syntax: {CDR3Begin:CDR3End} for CDR3.
  • one can add or subtract offset from original position of anchor point using positive or negative integer value in brackets after anchor point name AnchorPoint(offset): {CDR3Begin(+3):CDR3End} for CDR3 without first three nucleotides (coding conserved cysteine), {CDR3Begin(-6):CDR3End(+6)} for CDR3 with 6 nucleotides downstream its left bound and 6 nucleotides upstream its right bound.
  • one can specify offsets for predefined gene feature boundaries using GeneFeatureName(leftOffset, rightOffset) syntax: CDR3(3,0), CDR3(-6,6) - equivalents of two examples from previous item
  • all syntax constructs can be combined: {L1Begin(-12):L1End}+L2+VRegion(0,+10)}.
  • disjointed set of features can be provided for clone assembly: [{FR1Begin:CDR1End},{FR3Begin:FR4End}].
V5UTRGermline (equals to {UTR5Begin:V5UTREnd})
5'UTR; germline
VTranscript (equals to {UTR5Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:VEnd})
V5UTR + Exon1 + VExon2. Common reference feature used in alignments for cDNA data obtained using 5'RACE (that may contain UTRs).
VGene (equals to {UTR5Begin:VEnd})
{V5UTRBegin:VEnd}. Common reference feature used in alignments for genomic DNA data.
VTranscriptWithP (equals to {UTR5Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:VEnd} + {VEnd:VEnd (-20)})
V5UTR + Exon1 + VExon2. Common reference feature used in alignments for cDNA data obtained using 5'RACE (that may contain UTRs). Contains reference for P region.
VGeneWithP (equals to {UTR5Begin:VEnd} + {VEnd:VEnd (-20)})
{V5UTRBegin:VEnd}. Common reference feature used in alignments for genomic DNA data. Contains reference for P region.
VDJTranscript (equals to {UTR5Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:FR4End})
First two exons with 5'UTR of IG/TCR gene.
V5UTR (equals to {V5UTRBeginTrimmed:V5UTREnd})
5'UTR in aligned sequence; trimmed
L1 (equals to {L1Begin:L1End})
Part of lider sequence in first exon. The same as Exon1.
VLIntronL (equals to {L1Begin:L2End})
L1 + VIntron + L2
Exon1 (equals to {L1Begin:L1End})
First exon. The same as L1.
L (equals to {L1Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:L2End})
Full leader sequence
VTranscriptWithout5UTR (equals to {L1Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:VEnd})
Exon1 + VExon2. Common reference feature used in alignments for mRNA data obtained without 5'RACE.
VTranscriptWithout5UTRWithP (equals to {L1Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:VEnd} + {VEnd:VEnd (-20)})
Exon1 + VExon2. Common reference feature used in alignments for mRNA data obtained without 5'RACE. Contains reference for P region.
VDJTranscriptWithout5UTR (equals to {L1Begin:L1End} + {L2Begin:FR4End})
First two exons of IG/TCR gene.
VIntron (equals to {VIntronBegin:VIntronEnd})
Intron in V region.
L2 (equals to {L2Begin:L2End})
Part of leader sequence in second exon.
Exon2 (equals to {L2Begin:FR4End})
Full second exon of IG/TCR gene.
VExon2 (equals to {L2Begin:VEnd})
Second exon of V gene.
VExon2Trimmed (equals to {L2Begin:VEndTrimmed})
Second exon of V gene trimmed. Ends within CDR3 in V (D)J rearrangement.
VRegion (equals to {FR1Begin:VEnd})
Full V Region; germline
VRegionWithP (equals to {FR1Begin:VEnd} + {VEnd:VEnd (-20)})
Full V Region with P-segment; to be used as alignment reference
VRegionTrimmed (equals to {FR1Begin:VEndTrimmed})
Full V Region in rearranged sequence, e.g. after trimming
FR1 (equals to {FR1Begin:FR1End})
Framework 1
VDJRegion (equals to {FR1Begin:FR4End})
Full V, D, J assembly without 5'UTR and leader sequence.
CDR1 (equals to {CDR1Begin:CDR1End})
CDR1 (Complementarity determining region 1)
FR2 (equals to {FR2Begin:FR2End})
Framework 2
CDR2 (equals to {CDR2Begin:CDR2End})
CDR2 (Complementarity determining region 2)
FR3 (equals to {FR3Begin:FR3End})
Framework 2
CDR3 (equals to {CDR3Begin:CDR3End})
CDR3 (Complementarity determining region 3). Cys from V region and Phe/Trp from J region included.
VCDR3Part (equals to {CDR3Begin:VEndTrimmed})
Part of V region inside CDR3 (commonly starts from Cys)
GermlineVCDR3Part (equals to {CDR3Begin:VEnd})
Part of V region inside CDR3 (commonly starts from Cys)
ShortCDR3 (equals to {CDR3Begin (3):CDR3End (-3)})
CDR3 (Complementarity determining region 3). Cys from V region and Phe/Trp from J region excluded.
VDJunction (equals to {VEndTrimmed:DBeginTrimmed})
N region between V and D genes; not defined for loci without D genes and for V (D)J rearrangement with unidentified D region.
VJJunction (equals to {VEndTrimmed:JBeginTrimmed})
Region between V and J regions. For loci without D genes - fully composed from non-template nucleotides. May contain D region.
VPSegment (equals to {VEnd:VEndTrimmed})
P-segment of V gene
GermlineVPSegment (equals to {VEnd:VEnd (-20)})
P-segment of V gene to be used as alignment reference
DRegion (equals to {DBegin:DEnd})
Full D Region; germline
DLeftPSegment (equals to {DBeginTrimmed:DBegin})
Left P-segment of D gene
DCDR3Part (equals to {DBeginTrimmed:DEndTrimmed})
Full D Region in rearranged sequence, e.g. after trimming
DJJunction (equals to {DEndTrimmed:JBeginTrimmed})
N region between V and D genes; not defined for loci without D genes and for V (D)J rearrangement with unidentified D region.
DRightPSegment (equals to {DEnd:DEndTrimmed})
Right P-segment of D gene
GermlineDPSegment (equals to {DEnd:DBegin})
P-segment of D gene to be used as alignment reference
DRegionWithP (equals to {DEnd:DBegin} + {DBegin:DEnd} + {DEnd:DBegin})
Full D Region with P-segment; to be used as alignment reference
JRegion (equals to {JBegin:FR4End})
Full J Region; germline
GermlineJCDR3Part (equals to {JBegin:CDR3End})
Part of J region inside CDR3 (commonly ends with Phe/Trp)
GermlineJPSegment (equals to {JBegin (20):JBegin})
P-segment of J gene to be used as alignment reference
JRegionWithP (equals to {JBegin (20):JBegin} + {JBegin:FR4End})
Full J Region with P-segment; to be used as alignment reference
JPSegment (equals to {JBeginTrimmed:JBegin})
P-segment of J gene
JRegionTrimmed (equals to {JBeginTrimmed:FR4End})
Full J Region in rearranged sequence, e.g. after trimming
JCDR3Part (equals to {JBeginTrimmed:CDR3End})
Part of J region inside CDR3 (commonly ends with Phe/Trp)
FR4 (equals to {FR4Begin:FR4End})
Framework 4 (J region after CDR3)
CExon1 (equals to {CBegin:CExon1End})
First exon of C Region
CRegion (equals to {CBegin:CEnd})
Full C region

List of predefined reference points

Beginning of IG/TCR transcript
End of 5'UTR, beginning of IG/TCR CDS as listed in database
End of 5'UTR, beginning of IG/TCR CDS as observed in the data
End of 5'UTR, beginning of IG/TCR CDS
End of first exon, beginning of V intron
End of first exon, beginning of V intron
End of V intron, beginning of second exon
End of V intron, beginning of second exon
End of lider sequence, beginning of sequence that codes IG/TCR protein, beginning of FR1.
End of lider sequence, beginning of sequence that codes IG/TCR protein, beginning of FR1.
End of FR1, beginning of CDR1
End of FR1, beginning of CDR1
End of CDR1, beginning of FR2
End of CDR1, beginning of FR2
End of FR2, beginning of CDR2
End of FR2, beginning of CDR2
End of CDR2, beginning of FR3
End of CDR2, beginning of FR3
End of FR3, beginning of CDR3
End of FR3, beginning of CDR3
End of V region after V(D)J rearrangement (commonly inside CDR3)
End of V region in genome
Beginning of D region in genome
Beginning of D region after VDJ rearrangement
End of D region after VDJ rearrangement
End of D region in genome
Beginning of J region in genome
Beginning of J region after V(D)J rearrangement
End of CDR3, beginning of FR4
End of CDR3, beginning of FR4
End of FR4
Beginning of C Region
End of C Region first exon (Exon 3 of assembled TCR/IG gene)
End of C Region