
assemble report

MiXCR generates a comprehensive summary of assembly performance. Assemble reports may be generated right along with assemble command using -r/--report for txt report and -j/--json-report for report in a json format, or can be exported using exportReports command.

Show sample report
============== Assemble Report ==============
Analysis time: 0ns
Number of input groups: 22887
Number of input alignments: 401520
Number of output pre-clonotypes: 21677
Number of clonotypes per group

0: + 120 (0.57%) = 120 (0.57%)
1: + 20134 (95.85%) = 20254 (96.42%)
2: + 710 (3.38%) = 20964 (99.8%)
3: + 41 (0.2%) = 21005 (100%)
Number of core alignments: 373026 (92.9%)
Discarded core alignments: 14079 (3.77%)
Empirically assigned alignments: 1049 (0.26%)
Empirical assignment conflicts: 1 (0%)
UMI+VJ-gene empirically assigned alignments: 1050 (0.26%)
VJ-gene empirically assigned alignments: 0 (0%)
UMI empirically assigned alignments: 0 (0%)
Number of ambiguous UMIs: 751
Number of ambiguous V-genes: 404
Number of ambiguous J-genes: 64
Number of ambiguous UMI+V/J-gene combinations: 468
Unassigned alignments: 19570 (4.87%)
Final clonotype count: 2419
Average number of reads per clonotype: 152.4
Reads used in clonotypes, percent of total: 368667 (33.95%)
Reads used in clonotypes before clustering, percent of total: 369350 (34.02%)
Number of reads used as a core, percent of used: 367264 (99.44%)
Mapped low quality reads, percent of used: 2086 (0.56%)
Reads clustered in PCR error correction, percent of used: 683 (0.18%)
Reads pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists, percent of used: 0 (0%)
Reads dropped due to the lack of a clone sequence, percent of total: 22 (0%)
Reads dropped due to low quality, percent of total: 0 (0%)
Reads dropped due to failed mapping, percent of total: 4687 (0.43%)
Reads dropped with low quality clones, percent of total: 0 (0%)
Clonotypes eliminated by PCR error correction: 113
Clonotypes dropped as low quality: 0
Clonotypes pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists: 0
Clonotypes dropped in fine filtering: 0
Partially aligned reads attached to clones by tags: 0 (0%)
Partially aligned reads with ambiguous clone attachments by tags: 0 (0%)
Partially aligned reads failed to attach to clones by tags: 0 (0%)
TRB chains: 1024 (42.33%)
TRAD chains: 1370 (56.63%)
TRG chains: 25 (1.03%)
  "type": "assemblerReport",
  "commandLine": "assemble -r P15-M2-DNEG_assembleReport.txt -f P15-M2-DNEG_corrected.vdjca P15-M2-DNEG.clns",
  "inputFiles": [
  "outputFiles": [
  "version": "unspecified; built=Sat Jul 09 19:09:10 CEST 2022; rev=204bb4540f; lib=repseqio.v2.0",
  "preCloneAssemblerReport": {
    "type": "preCloneAssemblerReport",
    "inputGroups": 22887,
    "inputAlignments": 401520,
    "clonotypes": 21677,
    "clonotypesPerGroup": {
      "0": 120,
      "1": 20134,
      "2": 710,
      "3": 41
    "coreAlignments": 373026,
    "discardedCoreAlignments": 14079,
    "empiricallyAssignedAlignments": 1049,
    "vjEmpiricallyAssignedAlignments": 0,
    "umiEmpiricallyAssignedAlignments": 0,
    "gatEmpiricallyAssignedAlignments": 1050,
    "empiricalAssignmentConflicts": 1,
    "unassignedAlignments": 19570,
    "umiConflicts": 751,
    "gatConflicts": 468,
    "geneConflicts": {
      "Variable": 404,
      "Joining": 64
    "coreClonotypesDroppedByTagSuffix": 0,
    "coreAlignmentsDroppedByTagSuffix": 0
  "totalReadsProcessed": 1085843,
  "initialClonesCreated": 2532,
  "readsDroppedNoTargetSequence": 22,
  "readsDroppedLowQuality": 16,
  "coreReads": 367264,
  "readsDroppedFailedMapping": 4687,
  "lowQualityRescued": 2086,
  "clonesClustered": 113,
  "readsClustered": 683,
  "clones": 2419,
  "clonesDroppedAsLowQuality": 0,
  "clonesDroppedInFineFiltering": 0,
  "clonesPreClustered": 0,
  "readsPreClustered": 0,
  "readsInClones": 368667,
  "readsInClonesBeforeClustering": 369350,
  "readsDroppedWithLowQualityClones": 0,
  "clonalChainUsage": {
    "type": "chainUsage",
    "chimeras": 0,
    "total": 2419,
    "chains": {
      "TRB": 1024,
      "TRAD": 1370,
      "TRG": 25
  "readsAttachedByTags": 0,
  "readsWithAmbiguousAttachmentsByTags": 0,
  "readsFailedToAttachedByTags": 0

Pre-clone assembler report

The first part of the report is dedicated to UMI and cell barcodes based consensus assembly:

Number of input groups
number of groups defined by unique barcodes combination. In case of single-cell UMI-barcoded library equals to unique CellId+UMI groups.
Number of input alignments
Total number of alignments in the input .vdjca file.
Number of output pre-clonotypes
Total number of consensuses assembled among all groups.
Number of clonotypes per group
number consensus assembled per number of groups.
How to read this value
Number of clonotypes per group
0: + 1209 (0.04%) = 1209 (0.04%)
1: + 2891630 (98.45%) = 2892839 (98.5%)
2~3: + 44182 (1.5%) = 2937021 (100%)
  • For 1209 groups 0 consensuses were assembled due to various reasons such as bad quality, low number of reads or other conflicts.
  • For 2891630 groups 1 consensus was assembled.
  • For 44182 groups 2 or 3 consensuses were assembled.
Number of core alignments
number of alignments that cover assemblingFeature which were used to assemble consensuses
Discarded core alignments
number of alignments that cover assemblingFeature but were not assigned to any consensuses
Empirically assigned alignments
Number of alignments that do not cover assemblingFeature but were still assigned to consensuses. Those alignments will be used by mixcr assembleContigs if applied.
Empirical assignment conflicts
Number of conflicts encountered in empirical assignment
UMI+VJ-gene empirically assigned alignments
Number of alignments that were assigned to consensuses based on UMI, V and J genes sequences.
VJ-gene empirically assigned alignments
Number of alignments that were assigned to consensuses based on V and J genes sequences.
UMI empirically assigned alignments
Number of alignments that were assigned to consensuses based on UMI sequence.
Number of ambiguous UMIs
number of UMI conflict events.
Number of ambiguous V-genes
number of events when two or more consensuses inside alignment group share the same V-genes, thus V-gene driven empirical assignment was not possible.
Number of ambiguous J-genes
number of events when two or more consensuses inside alignment group share the same J-genes, thus J-gene driven empirical assignment was not possible.
Number of ambiguous UMI+V/J-gene combinations
number of UMI+V/J-gene conflict events.
Unassigned alignments
alignments that were not assigned to any consensuses due to the various reasons

Assembler and clustering report

The rest of the report is describes assembly regardless of barcodes:

Final clonotype count
Number of clonotypes left after all artificial diversity error-corrections (PCR-errors and V/J/C mis-assignment correction)
Average number of reads per clonotype
Average number of reads per final clonotype
Reads used in clonotypes, percent of total
Total number of reads assembled into final clonotypes (percent of total number of reads). This number excludes or includes reads from clonotypes eliminated in error-correction depending on -OaddReadsCountOnClustering
Reads used in clonotypes before clustering, percent of total
Number of reads used in clonotypes before clustering (PCR-error correction) (percent of total number of reads)
Number of reads used as a core, percent of used
number of core alignments with no low quality nucleotides (defined by badQualityThreshold). These alignments form core clonotypes. (percent of reads used in clonotypes)
Mapped low quality reads, percent of used
Number of rescued low quality reads that were aggregated by the corresponding clonotype. See mapping
Reads clustered in PCR error correction, percent of used
Number of reads clustered in PCR error correction, percent of used. See clustering
Reads pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists, percent of used
Reads pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists, percent of used
Reads dropped due to the lack of a clone sequence, percent of total
Reads dropped due to the lack of a clone sequence (assemblingFeature), percent of total
Reads dropped due to low quality, percent of total
Reads dropped due to too many positions with low quality, percent of total
Reads dropped due to failed mapping, percent of total
Reads dropped due to failed mapping, percent of total. See mapping
Reads dropped with low quality clones, percent of total
Reads dropped with low quality clones, percent of total
Clonotypes eliminated by PCR error correction
Number of clonotypes eliminated by PCR error correction
Clonotypes dropped as low quality
Number of clonotypes dropped due to low quality after mapping, pre-clustering and clustering.
Clonotypes pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists
Clonotypes pre-clustered due to the similar VJC-lists