
repseqio fasta

Exports sequences of genes to fasta file.


repseqio fasta [-f] \
    [--chain <chain>] \
    [--gene-feature <geneFeature>] \
    [--imgt] \
    [--name <regexp>] \
    [--species <species>] \
    [--taxon-id <id>] \
    input_library.json|default \

Command line options:

-f, --force (default: does not overwrite)
Force overwrite of output file(s).
-c, --chain <chain>
Chain pattern, regexp string, all genes with matching chain record will be exported.
-g, --gene-feature <geneFeature>
Gene feature to export (e.g. VRegion, JRegion, VTranscript, etc...)
Format output similar to IMGT's reference (add IMGT gaps, similar header structure))
-n, --name <regexp>
Gene name pattern, regexp string, all genes with matching gene name will be exported.
-s, --species <species>
Species name, used in the same way as --taxon-id.
-t, --taxon-id <id>
Taxon id (filter multi-library file to leave single library for specified taxon id)